-Recognize the existence of informal groups, trying to understand and accept.
-analyze the possible effects that may be carrying out any action on informal systems.
-Identify the key subjects of community groups and seek their cooperation.
-Avoid activities that threaten unnecessarily formal and informal.
-create conditions that promote or regulate the development of informal relationships
-Recognize the different roles that individuals play in the different groups and if necessary negotiate role, roles to adequate conversant with the situation. "If
is to make the organization more effective and innovative is important to use resources of the informal structure (Identify key individuals and facilitate their interactions in the same, even when they reduce the time of their formal occupations.)
-integrate as much as possible the interests of community groups and seek consistency with the objectives of the organization.
-Allow informal structure is sufficiently strong to provide formal support, but not excessively as to be dominant.
"Get a good mix, which is oriented formal system is fundamental to the achievement of objectives, and the informal system ensure the internal cohesion of the group facilitating teamwork.
Source: Gil Rodriguez, F (1993). Groups in organizations. Madrid: Eudemus
Photo: QUINO
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