The informal groups provide unquestionable benefits, not only for individuals who are part of them, but also, paradoxically, for their own organization.
Potential benefits of:
"It is a useful communication channel also facilitates the establishment of contacts, know and learn more about the work and of what happens in the environment.
"Being flexible and spontaneous, can meet the requirements posed tasks.
-stimulate at the controls to plan and act more carefully.
-facilitate the work and the task of control and may even meet that potential deficiencies.
-are a means to counter the power, sometimes authoritarian and arbitrary use of the organization.
-Promote cooperative and harmonious relationships between departments.
-provide stability to the working groups, and strengthen the system.
other hand may cause some inconvenience:
- promote undesirable rumors
- develop negative attitudes and norms contrary to the guidelines established
- Raising interpersonal conflicts, intergroup and role
- Reject and impeding some members
- Reduce motivation.
- Facilitating conformity
- Promote resistance to change (based on the belief, custom or culture of their own group).
Source: Gil Rodriguez, F (1993). Groups in organizations. Madrid: Eudemus
Photo: ABC
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