Beneath the surface of the formal structure that we all know lies a tangled relationships collateral system, established so that spontaneous between subjects and configure informal structure, composed in turn by different groups. These groups come to constitute an expression of autonomy within the rigid boundaries of the organization, and become a second reference point that the subject has to perceive the work context.
are several reasons for the emergence and development of the informal groups within organizations, which cover both personal needs of the members thereof, as characteristics of the organization. Among the main determinants of the development of these groups include:-Near
between people (both physically, as circumstances or occupation) requires both physical proximity, as the match to perform the same task or perform the same profession.
-common needs and interests among its members.
"Common experience at work and in the relationship.
-Consensus among members
-total system failure in meeting the personal and social needs of its members
Source: Gil Rodriguez, F (1993). Groups in organizations. Madrid: Eudemus
Photo: NBC
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