In the previous post we talked about the importance of identifying the informal leaders of the organization so we are forced today to talk about the sociometric .
The sociometric was established as a method for the study of affinity relationships in small groups. An essential element of sociometric method is the technique of sociogram, which is to represent graphically the relationships among a group of individuals through a set of points (individuals) connected by one or more lines (interpersonal relationships).
This sociometric data representation, as any representation, generates a set of questions and, ultimately, her own problematic. From sociograms is developing a new approach to the study of social structures in which the lines are becoming social relations of any kind, and the points (nodes), social bodies. In sociogram
intended to represent graphically the affinity relationships in small groups of individuals, in order to identify subgroups (cliques) and sociometric leaders ("stars"). Consists in short, to detect a set of individuals, and selections from each, a relational structure to distinguish meaningful subgroups and individuals. The possibility of constructing a network map can decide how to enable or disable existing or potential links to intervene in times of crisis. Once identified
social networks within an organization, not only can cope better with crises as a result of changes (expected or unexpected), but also help the flow of information more efficient and faster.
Source: dynamocon.com
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