Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cocky And Concieted Quotes

Through meetings, working groups and teams develop their main activities, both strategic and tactical and operational levels, the groups through Meeting:

-Establish the objectives and design the tasks

-distribute tasks (Those assigned to its members)

-coordinate their activities (rationally integrate the activities of all members)
-Monitor and evaluate activities.

But the meetings, and contribute substantially to improve the efficiency in performing tasks, can be an occasion for something more, constitute an essential procedure for the development and improvement of the groups and organizations. So let meetings:

1) exchange information, share resources, compare views, to join forces, etc.

2) Make more understandable the objectives, working methods and results of group or equipment, which helps increase performance expectations as the group made internal attributions of their results, all of which can improve the performance of activities.

3) Promote the participation of all members of a group or institution, which can have a significant motivational effect.

4) Develop a sense of belonging to a team and an institution which helps to provide members with a social identity group, increasing team cohesion.

5) Increased knowledge of the group itself and the institution, which affords them constantly learning about themselves through the review, update and contrast information and knowledge they acquire.

Source: Alcover de la Hera, C. M (2004). Group techniques in organizational settings. Madrid: Piramide.

Photo: fox

Friday, March 28, 2008

How Much Would A Candy Buffet Cost?


One of the basic requirements of managing groups is the ability to form and develop an effective team, this is not only to select members of the group according to their knowledge, skills, position, etc., but also to employ the skills necessary to fulfill the following conditions:

, clearly understood goals and tasks by all, and cooperative.

"Commitment of members to the group's goals

-communication open, accurate and effective ideas and feelings.

-confidence, acceptance and support high among members.

-Leveraging capabilities. Knowledge and experience and skills of members.

-Distribution of participation

constructive conflict-coping
appropriate procedures
-making and problem-solving.

Achieving these assumptions requires the leader to conduct and / or coordination of functions and skills such as establishing the point of departure for the group (Planning), power it up (start), to see that go in the right (control), ensuring that their members maintain optimal relationships (support), distribute the information (report) and verify the adequacy of the process (assess).

Source: Gil Rodriguez (1993). Management skills in organizations. Madrid: Eudemus.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Trek Wsd Versus Specialized Dolce


are various measures that can be applied in order to promote change in organizations. Key strategies for change that are referenced to the groups, we find:

- involvement of existing groups to address resistance to change . Apart from some personal resistance, there are many others based on shared values \u200b\u200band interest groups (interest groups opposing political coalitions, wants to preserve existing friendships, etc.).. Any intervention that is done would be very expensive or simply fail if it does not take into account these resistors, and tries to address them somehow involving himself stakeholder group concerned.

- involvement of groups to promote change . The objective proposed management or promoters of change is to group collaboration to promote this change by altering the behavior of its members. It is therefore essential to group participation, either directly or by proxy.

- involvement of leaders, who are offered a key role in the decision to change . His advice is sought to reach a better decision and their support for change, which will depend on its prestige and power. In the event that the leader is aware that only finds its support, the measure will be counterproductive Address losing all credibility.

- participation of subjects through committees and working groups . Over the same facilitates communication and involvement of individuals, which can make a difference. Sometimes the direction of these committees is entrusted to the leader of the group that opposes the change, who, however, can create more balanced and realistic positions, and thus facilitating the process.

- Application of group techniques: constitute various intervention measures aimed at acquiring new skills and improving the operation of equipment.

Finally attach a very interesting project for some students at the University of Buenos Aires

Source: Gil Rodriguez, F (1993). Groups in organizations. Madrid: Eudemus

Monday, March 24, 2008

Rizla Cigarette Rolling Tin

In the previous post we talked about the importance of identifying the informal leaders of the organization so we are forced today to talk about the sociometric .

The sociometric was established as a method for the study of affinity relationships in small groups. An essential element of sociometric method is the technique of sociogram, which is to represent graphically the relationships among a group of individuals through a set of points (individuals) connected by one or more lines (interpersonal relationships).

This sociometric data representation, as any representation, generates a set of questions and, ultimately, her own problematic. From sociograms is developing a new approach to the study of social structures in which the lines are becoming social relations of any kind, and the points (nodes), social bodies. In sociogram

intended to represent graphically the affinity relationships in small groups of individuals, in order to identify subgroups (cliques) and sociometric leaders ("stars"). Consists in short, to detect a set of individuals, and selections from each, a relational structure to distinguish meaningful subgroups and individuals. The possibility of constructing a network map can decide how to enable or disable existing or potential links to intervene in times of crisis. Once identified

social networks within an organization, not only can cope better with crises as a result of changes (expected or unexpected), but also help the flow of information more efficient and faster.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tattoos For Women On Stomach


-Recognize the existence of informal groups, trying to understand and accept.

-analyze the possible effects that may be carrying out any action on informal systems.

-Identify the key subjects of community groups and seek their cooperation.

-Avoid activities that threaten unnecessarily formal and informal.

-create conditions that promote or regulate the development of informal relationships

-Recognize the different roles that individuals play in the different groups and if necessary negotiate role, roles to adequate conversant with the situation. "If

is to make the organization more effective and innovative is important to use resources of the informal structure (Identify key individuals and facilitate their interactions in the same, even when they reduce the time of their formal occupations.)

-integrate as much as possible the interests of community groups and seek consistency with the objectives of the organization.

-Allow informal structure is sufficiently strong to provide formal support, but not excessively as to be dominant.

"Get a good mix, which is oriented formal system is fundamental to the achievement of objectives, and the informal system ensure the internal cohesion of the group facilitating teamwork.

Source: Gil Rodriguez, F (1993). Groups in organizations. Madrid: Eudemus
Photo: QUINO

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Family Vacation Northeast Us


The informal groups provide unquestionable benefits, not only for individuals who are part of them, but also, paradoxically, for their own organization.

Potential benefits of:

"It is a useful communication channel also facilitates the establishment of contacts, know and learn more about the work and of what happens in the environment.

"Being flexible and spontaneous, can meet the requirements posed tasks.

-stimulate at the controls to plan and act more carefully.

-facilitate the work and the task of control and may even meet that potential deficiencies.

-are a means to counter the power, sometimes authoritarian and arbitrary use of the organization.

-Promote cooperative and harmonious relationships between departments.

-provide stability to the working groups, and strengthen the system.

other hand may cause some inconvenience:

- promote undesirable rumors

- develop negative attitudes and norms contrary to the guidelines established

- Raising interpersonal conflicts, intergroup and role

- Reject and impeding some members

- Reduce motivation.

- Facilitating conformity

- Promote resistance to change (based on the belief, custom or culture of their own group).

Source: Gil Rodriguez, F (1993). Groups in organizations. Madrid: Eudemus
Photo: ABC

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Post Scabies But Getting New Bumps


The main characteristics of groups Informal can be grouped according to two criteria:

Features Consider your structure:

-are the result of spontaneous processes of interaction between subjects that are in direct contact.
agreements are based on personal and customary practices that shape informal rules.

-Size small, staying within the limit at which they develop relationships.

"The influence is based on information and knowledge, and identification.

shows a lateral power hierarchy and can not be controlled by management as the formal

features in their relationship with the organization:

- are autonomous subsystems that are related to the formal organization: the objectives of both can match, contrast or be outside, build relationships of support, opposition or indifference.

-emerge in the absence of autonomy and to contrast the formal organizational system, which allows them a degree of autonomy.

-configure systems of interpersonal relationships beyond what is expected of them and contractual labor relations. These relationships can transcend the organization, staying out of it.

-expression constitute real and effective operating conditions in the working structures, communication and power in the organization.

Source: Gil Rodriguez, F (1993). Groups in organizations. Madrid: Eudemus

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Iron On Transfer Metal


The difference between structure and formal and informal groups covering many aspects will


structures and processes:


Source: Guken, H. L (1984). Introduction to the sociology of the groups. Barcelona: Herder.
Photo: CBS & FOX

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Does Freezing Tags Hurt?

Beneath the surface of the formal structure that we all know lies a tangled relationships collateral system, established so that spontaneous between subjects and configure informal structure, composed in turn by different groups. These groups come to constitute an expression of autonomy within the rigid boundaries of the organization, and become a second reference point that the subject has to perceive the work context.

are several reasons for the emergence and development of the informal groups within organizations, which cover both personal needs of the members thereof, as characteristics of the organization. Among the main determinants of the development of these groups include:-Near

between people (both physically, as circumstances or occupation) requires both physical proximity, as the match to perform the same task or perform the same profession.

-common needs and interests among its members.

"Common experience at work and in the relationship.

-Consensus among members

-total system failure in meeting the personal and social needs of its members

Source: Gil Rodriguez, F (1993). Groups in organizations. Madrid: Eudemus
Photo: NBC

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Homemade Go Kart Frames For Sale

Groupthink (Group Think)

"And we are totally against any kind of group think" Okay JB

Groupthink is a term coined by psychologist Irving Janis in 1972 to describe the process by which a group can make bad or irrational decisions. As the bullet is in a groupthink situation, each member of the group tries to form its opinion as to believe that the consensus of the group. In a general sense this seems to be a rational way of coping. However, this results in a situation in which the group ultimately agrees on certain actions that every individual member considers advisable.


1) Inform members of the group on its causes and consequences.

2) The leader should be displayed instead of showing fair from the beginning preferences and expectations.

3) The leader should instruct each member to evaluate things critically, encouraging them to express objections and concerns.

4) Two or more members of the group should be assigned the role of "devil's advocate, trying to derail any possible consensus.

5) From time to time the group should be subdivided into two or more sub-groups will meet separately and then together again analyze the differences.

6) When the problem concerns the relations with a rival group should take the time to review all the warning signs and identify all possible actions that might start the opponent.

7) After having reached a preliminary consensus, there should be a reunion of second instance in which each person was requested to show all doubts.

8) Experts outside the group will attend meetings and will be asked to put into question the group's views.

9) Each group member should periodically discuss the group's deliberations with trusted partners and must communicate what has been the reaction of these.

10) Different groups should work separately on the same problem.

Source: Janis, IL (1982). Groupthinks: Psychological you study of policy, Decisions and fiascoes. Boston MA: Houghton Mifflin


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Brazilian Wax On The Obese


Regardless of everything said in previous post, group work involves certain risks or disadvantages with respect to which they can conduct separate components.

here is why I attach a list of advantages and disadvantages that are working in groups:

Until next

Biblografia: Gil Rodriguez, F. (1993). Groups in organizations. Madrid: Eudemus

Friday, March 7, 2008

The Ultimate Attractiononline

There are 5 dimensions that allow the classification of groups:

temporary Dimension refers to the stability of relationships and classifies groups in Permanent and temporary . The first are the responsibility of carrying out the routine work of the organization, while others perform temporary duties, primarily focused on development and innovation.

According to the level of formality we can talk about formal groups (provided by the organization and part of the organization) or informal (Focus on problems of the organization).

On the purpose for which they are created, the groups can be:
- Production: Its members perform together certain tasks, setting up work teams, departments and organizational units
- Troubleshooting : Focus on problems of the organization.
- Conflict Resolution: Refers negotiating groups.
- organizational change and development of : Here we have advocacy groups, training and team development. Guided by the

hierarchical level are differentiation vertical and one horizontal . The first is composed of different groups based on hierarchical command-making process decisions, while the latter refers to groups that provide specialized services and temporary committees

The last dimension, group structure, refers to the configuration of the working groups, which may prevail based on the recognition criteria and empowerment group values \u200b\u200b or individual values \u200b\u200b

Source: Peiró, JM (1984). Psychology of organizations. Madrid. UNED

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Protekchemical Door To Door


This site aims to advise on the management teams in the area of \u200b\u200bHuman Resources. Over the coming weeks and months I look forward to reporting techniques and strategies for optimal management of human capital in organizations.

And now to boot pose the following question

Why groups are important in organizations?

Basically, the involvement of people in organizations is done through various groups, structured around tasks, skills and other criteria, all aimed at achieving the objectives of the organization. Addition of these, we find other groups that emerged spontaneously and aimed at meeting the personal and social needs not covered by it.

Currently, there is no doubt that all these different groups, which are intertwined with each other, are the basic units of organizations, setting the structure of both formal and informal. Teamwork becomes crucial for the functioning of companies, is important both for people who have managerial responsibilities and for the professionals who perform some form of intervention in organizations (training, conflict management, etc. .)

is essential to bear in mind that teamwork and group collaboration does not happen by accident, but must be planned and promoted, for which it is fundamentally a good knowledge of group processes, and possess the leadership skills necessary to teams to achieve the most efficient means possible.

Once we are clear about this, we can start talking about it, but that will be pending for the next post