Through meetings, working groups and teams develop their main activities, both strategic and tactical and operational levels, the groups through Meeting:
-Establish the objectives and design the tasks
-distribute tasks (Those assigned to its members)
-coordinate their activities (rationally integrate the activities of all members)
-Monitor and evaluate activities.
But the meetings, and contribute substantially to improve the efficiency in performing tasks, can be an occasion for something more, constitute an essential procedure for the development and improvement of the groups and organizations. So let meetings:
1) exchange information, share resources, compare views, to join forces, etc.
2) Make more understandable the objectives, working methods and results of group or equipment, which helps increase performance expectations as the group made internal attributions of their results, all of which can improve the performance of activities.
3) Promote the participation of all members of a group or institution, which can have a significant motivational effect.
4) Develop a sense of belonging to a team and an institution which helps to provide members with a social identity group, increasing team cohesion.
5) Increased knowledge of the group itself and the institution, which affords them constantly learning about themselves through the review, update and contrast information and knowledge they acquire.
Source: Alcover de la Hera, C. M (2004). Group techniques in organizational settings. Madrid: Piramide.
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