Meetings are held at all levels of organizations and are used for all kinds of activities. Currently the meetings are becoming more relevant, and its use is widespread, due to various reasons, including:
"The great importance attached to communication in general, and meetings in particular, in all sectors and organizational settings.
"The greater complexity of the tasks and problems, which requires the contribution of knowledge and efforts of different professionals and specialists.
-Increased participation employees in all activities of organizations.
more professional training of workers and especially those who assume leadership and management.
"The significant development of new technology that allows meetings in a more affordable, saving major impediments, such as physical distance, and reducing its cost.
But if meetings can be very useful to their work groups and their development can also have negative consequences to hold meetings not properly justified, may lead to unproductive or conflicting not only disinterested in people, but also motivation in the team and the emergence of conflicts among participants, which could end up even in a division or disintegration of the group.
Source: Alcover de la Hera, C. M (2004). Group techniques in organizational settings. Madrid: Piramide.
Photo: guiasenior.com
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