Many people use the word team and group interchangeably, ignoring the fact that two concepts are treated quite different. The basic essence of the concept of Team contribution is often fair, the members in obtaining a goal, while a group is based on the willingness to follow orders.
is usually much easier to find a group a team. If we had a room full of professionals, we can group them according to gender, experience, specialty, age or any other factor. Form a group taking into account characteristics is not difficult, how complicated is to be effective. However, the industrial relations climate of that can go on a range of perfect compatibility up terrible intolerance, which at the time of reaching a consensus would bring many problems.
Instead, a team is much more complex form. Each member must be selected taking into account their skills and not just demographic data. For example, in the case of a business team find an accountant, a salesman, a company executive and a secretary. Each team member has a purpose and a role for the team and its success depends on the contributions of each. Usually there is usually no room for conflict when working in teams.
The successes of a group usually measured by its final results, not necessarily by the proceedings. In a group likely to argue, discuss and then attack the individuality of the members, seeking consensus. A jury is an example of this, no matter the process, if not the result.
The team does not depend on the pressure towards consensus (groupthink) to yield results. An example is found in the CSI team, each expert examines an aspect of the accident, and then looks for an answer compatible with all individual observations.
Finally, members of a group can leave the same when their opinions are unnecessary, something that happens very often. In the case of a computer , the absence of a member can alter the performance of the task, which often form a very cohesive whole, as the case of elite military units.
Source: Wisegeek.com
Photo: wikipedia
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