As we have seen so far are numerous reasons for creating work teams, which go beyond mere benefits provided by any group, compared to the work of its members separately. In this respect, teamwork:
-facilitates the task (and indeed many tasks of the organization can not be achieved by other means).
-Facilitates the implementation of any program in its entirety or any of its stages (diagnosis, implementation and impact assessment), to have people generally representative of the entire organization.
-has greater power to influence the organization (the latter, for its part, finds it more difficult to cope or discredit the result obtained by a computer).
, increases motivation and satisfaction of its members at work, so usually not achieved by other means.
-contributes to the understanding of the organization, while the instructing, providing experience that may be transferred to other groups of the same.
organizations increasingly require teams to achieve their goals, this being a requirement inexcusable work done with modern technology. Moreover, the development and coordination of equipment is considered by experts and managers as one of the main problems faced by modern enterprises, hence the growing interest development of methods to increase the effectiveness of teams, an issue we will discuss it further at the next Post.
Source: Gil Rodriguez, F. (1993). Groups in organizations. Madrid: Eudemus
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