Thursday, June 23, 2005

How To Wire A Boat Stereo

What is CRM and what is not?

In the future, thanks to this page we will learn over the weeks that CRM is that many of us it sounds, but most do not know how to define. To start the blog, I will use a fairly easy to understand article that explains this term.

Lately we have been immersed in a sea of \u200b\u200bacronyms and initials as ERP, MRP, B2B or B2C, most of them associated with technological developments applied to business. One of the most talked about is CRM and although I am sure that almost everyone knows that means Customer Relationship Management, well I'm sure many associate it with an administrative software package, which is a mistake justified on the information we receive daily. So to find out for sure, see what is and is not CRM.

First, the concept of CRM itself is not directly related to technology. CRM is a corporate philosophy which seeks to understand and anticipate the needs of existing customers and also the potential, which currently relies on technological solutions that facilitate application development and utilization. In short, this is a business strategy focused on the customer and their needs

for more information, just read the article on page of its creator.

Well, this is the beginning of a new era for the group F1 and other readers


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