Fashion has something wrong in substance that makes people nervous.
Of course, the phrase is not mine (what else would) but the Priestess Wintour. Always seemed one of those phrases sound born of the privileged and well-paid head of a clever publicist that will surely be unable to develop a coherent manner (or lack which makes it either). Those who know what it takes to spin words in a sense we are bound as a "noble but merciless master " know the price you pay.

(as mass) you get nervous fashion so this is different, so strange, again ... all those qualities that make worship other certain people. Still, like it or not, everyone in general makes us nervous fashion.
have to follow fashion or is intended to be an outsider with a blog of your own?. Being an outsider is also intended to follow fashion?. Is anyone free fashion?.
Coco Chanel said that the clothes (she was very smart and not talking about fashion) gave you an assurance that no religion was willing to insure. How many times have we come to look super street with a thought that turns you do not get the result you expect?. Many times clothes has been a fundamental part in your level of nervousness and insecurity?. How many times has been the main cause of your success?.

Among my group of friends is famous for a supposedly friendly grunge, punk supposedly, allegedly left, supposedly Perroflauta supposedly squat, what was supposed to be wearing that boasted of being very authentic (in the background is) and once "forced" to the whole group to take a considerable detour to go through your home, all because the ring had not "hit" (the hosts) with the rest of look and feel "uncomfortable." This discomfort was reflecting his need to fashion, being well regarded, to look good, to complete an attitude that he wanted to convey the message to others out properly understood.
The level of development of mass media to internet to the head and rising living standards (the biggest concern when you get up and if it is not going to eat today or not) have made the dress to pass first plane. Not only as frivolous (which is also nothing wrong), but as a message to send to the world. My clothes say who I am. Even if I just warm (some people do not dress, wraps), and that is saying a lot for me and in a society where "being anonymous is worse than being poor," that is a lot.

If this were not so, what sense would these children who have become very famous just for posting on their blogs photos of themselves with different looks?. Where's the fun?.
If this were not so, we would have gone to fight bloggers post Cibeles?.
Everyone wants to be part of fashion. Everyone has something to say.
do not think Warhol was very aware of how far they would get their "fifteen minutes of fame." I do not think that even would be able to dream of what this would entail.
is the sign of the times. We live in a century principle of constant change, it is as if we reinventing looking at the past and the future at a time. It is no longer necessary for anyone to give you a certificate of eligibility for nothing. It is, rather than the early punk-era DIY. Your opinion, your worldview, your dress is as good as any. Or better. Posts
to be nervous, newspapers are full of better reasons.
Fashion is only fashion. Sometimes it's art and sometimes garbage. Frivolous, true, false, superfluous, imperative, serious, boring, funny, unpretentious, disturbing, incomprehensible, maddening, calming, soothing, provocative and necessary. Changes every six months. Sometimes it does not last even a month. Sometimes live for forever.
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