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For these days I've heard of the floods in Colombia, I tell my semicompatriotas Colombia Colombian hurts sometimes more than Cuba, where I was born. The first city where I landed when, for primerra time I took a plane in Havana was Bogotá and lived in La Candelaria, no as beautiful as now, Waters and close to the race Terrible (sorry, Decima) with Jimenez, so you can imagine how I met the city from the center, that center or bullisucio busy but no place for leisure, even " Disposable "bread ganánsose working order either neglected or taken to trauseúnte; the gamines could be a good jacket, a watch ... and the police on the backs of the unsuspecting drug espendedores tourists, there were twenty resources for deception and fraud arising from poverty, lack of scruples and the need, up to the singer improvised minivan, the suffering of a bad real or invented, the child with sweets which proceeds from the sale "is not to bad habits" as proclaimed her nagging ...
In Colombia, I feel more of what I know, thanks to my short stay there, and my few trips later, also in talks with the curious this Cuban Macondia inserted by the grace of a first labor contract in the South American London is Bogota, constamentemente humid climate, not in any way by the timeliness of its inhabitants, may also be a kind of New York an island in a sea of \u200b\u200bmountains, with an office in the Plaza de las Nieves was able to visit several cities in Cartagena Pasto, came back later, thanks to a marriage contract, but this time at The Valley and not the former branch of the sky but the modest and unknown Yotoco people at the roadside on the way to Buga, lived to the passage of cattle, at the foot of the Virgin to the edge of town , nearly lost each year rachuelo more strongly by human negligence, will there be revenge taken in recent floods?; precisely these words inspired the latest news on Colombia, floods in most of the country and in particular those where Yotoco I spent half a year, alternating with increases to Jiguales, with trips to Cali and Buga, more rarely to the capital I was shocked to hear that the food prices go up (more) following natural disasters; by the inaccessibility of some places ... I think rather that it is a consecuenciaa of inhumanity and cynicism of some ... how can make life miserable for those who already suffer from the loss of their property and even lives?
For local news they talked about the government's promise to help victims in the mouth of a president with red jacket and hat ... maybe a lot further to do with complacency an unexpected turn red, politically speaking, a spin a man who endorsed the ruddy strife of its antecessor, this time because they were full of blood of innocent detractors among others ... but I do not put me in ways that do not concern me, all politics, from the largest of the Antilles, the island of Cuba to the U.S. giant, is corrupted by only talking about the continent where we live, what is political in purpose? "Method of implementing the ideology" ... the books say .... and ideology is a system of ideas that attempts to organize society ... as you have not agreed on this in practice, those in command, read who benefit more from this issue, implement the idelología best suits their interests accumulation of wealth and impunity in power, some claim dictatorships of left or right, other rotating faces, but all the same ... what's left ?.... good if we do not want to follow the risky path of popular revolts how this is happening in the Middle East (sometimes I envy their courage) at least show solidarity with our class, is a good start to reach out to those who need a moemnto like this one ... unfortunately increase the prices of the products making them less accessible is a betrayal of our own, it would be best to join the government for help, that's what governments are supposed to protect citizens against excesses and calamities in cases especially emerging and less pop but necessary things as achieving a decent distribution of goods and services that go against the most enterprising and capable but not against the weak and disabled.
I can not conclude without suggesting a more driven by a bad experience in Yotoco but reflect a certain reality or a reality for sure: when I established there and I first went to buy something at one of the many wine cellars of the town, the owner, foreign to me knowing that I was overcharged for the merchandise, knowing the price I paid without question, my wife had to return to demand what is just clarifying our local status ... this gave me the measure of a spirit present in the country (and do not say by that single experience, of course) that could winemaker me gained as a client, but I lost his greed .... Colombians around the world are known as good businessmen and this ability is accompanied by getting the best price for your merchandise, but Colombia is plunged into an unsustainable economy, there is a group with great purchasing power, that is not the economy miev because internal bought abroad (clothes, supplies, electrical and electronic equipment) and a large group with low purchasing power live largely on remittances from relatives abroad (and even this is a privilege, not to mention the totalemnet homeless) which becomes the workforce passive or asleep, the obstacles to create a small business which Many aspire to leave the patronage unbearable in a country of castes and contempt for the poor are many and this is the tip of the iceberg of a bureaucratic impossible to describe and apparently impossible to demolish.
Colombia Most live in very tightly, to education and public transportation are substantial costs to the average citizen ... apparently there is no infrastructure to get them out of this impasse proplongado (llamémole esperanzdora well to give it a temporary condition) system is not (communism or capitalism) is a Colombian who has been at this point in history, in my inexperienced point of view of things sometimes need a little of socialisno in social policies as more state involvement in the protection of citizens, but also an intelligent capitalization of the economy, not about making a revolution robinhoodesca, as perhaps some Estudantes dream of the National Unversiad (remember the stoning the Maoists and the "Tomb" inhibiting the anarchy, this more than fifteen years) and other scholars have already graduated and persistent, not giving all the fish at the expense of miraculous multiplication exhausted because he once, it is teach him to fish.
I moved the number of intellectuals who are in Colombia, the fiber of its people, the desire of many and the vicious circle in which walking shut up ...., If I have wrongly taken the right to talk about these things see it as the vision of someone with the privilege to live among you and do it again but for now all my selfishness I take the opportunity to migrate north , like many of his countrymen and observe Gulf through these things, including the steps of Santos, the fate of the FARC, the publishers of The Spectator, the analysis of Polo, the recent floods.
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