Once a year, coinciding with the ancient rituals of the winter solstice, almost the entire planet that is not too busy through the day day, falls into a feverish whirl of shopping and wishes for happiness while still cursing the neighbor, crushing the weak, invading countries, consenting famines and epidemics and various dictators to subsidize. Is what this great theme park called the West know as Christmas.
And year after year they repeat the same rituals with the appearance of new, that if the lottery, if the health day (with some comfort to not have to jump out the window after first checking that you dropped or the return to Despite the almost 200 bucks on tickets left you and shares), if the enthusiasm of the children, if the parent traveling to Murcia Canary Islands in search of Bob's boat Monster sponge or High, ... as usual.

For those who at this stage of post be thinking that did not last all the Christmas spirit of the previous and Scrooge back to my usual warning is wrong. I still enjoy the holidays by pure surrender to the absolute evidence. Anything will help me to oppose them. It's like trying to avoid a tsunami sealing your nose for you not to get water. Well
. Among the many rituals repeated annually with the first (or in this case third) chilly cold of winter, there are some that strike me greatly. Of these, the better the effect By. I must say it is not something that is limited to the "cherished date" although they are more present among us (the phrase is very basic Christian and I love it).

to this: By the effect is basically that a troubled company (or no) cash hires a famous / famosete / conocidillo or popular and endorse him anything for his signature at the end payment of fines, of course.
The colonies are usually the main product but it is not surprising to find everything a bit like a Chinese bazaar (this more evident than it was a small family business in Spain). From Nutella glasses to makeup collections through low cost housing for strings, anything goes as long as it is endorsed by the supposed good taste of any celebdorra of three to the room.
I do not think you're being very fair with this. Sometimes the sky are real estrellones film or the musical mainstream those who provide their name and image to sell something that is (if you put all your good intentions and many doses of innocence) have designed / thought / made / prepared themselves . An exercise of goodwill to the age of the willingness of excellence.

not say at what time all this mess started. In any case, Christmas customs that lost in the mists of time. For example, someone can be dated with mathematical precision the time when the war began balcony between Santa and wise men?. Or what precise moment the Catholic Taliban started with children in rags hanging balls in windows?. Someone with a lot more bad milk that I would say this is not so rare for the Catholic church and his fondness for infants but not me. This year I'll be good. By
The effect must surely be very profitable. I think there was a hint a few years ago (which still persists even though very weak), under which, any familiar face from the small screen could write a book about current issues and personal experiences with a human interest more than clear. Then came the AR and see who was the handsome he turned to get into such trouble. Of course she did not came from all evil. Mounted a production for the recycling of garbage daily pontificating about everything under the sun (the bad memory of this country one day we will take a toll) and above all, became the absolute queen of By. Your ads and covers a stone blush but she is still there. Impassive pose. Clinker, clinker, clinker.

The Great By Nati Abascal put his particular to a collection she supposedly chosen by Mango. Abascaliano tasteful prices popular. In all this, their employers should not be so foolish to have gotten where they are, under the pretense of exclusivity makes no presentation or event within the cabinet that the muse has to open the mouth. Have thought, like all the worship, she is not needed. Very large Nati. Very muse.
The Cross did the same disguised COOLHUNTER or designers or whatever.
Banderas has many lines of colonies that site are no longer on the shelves of supermarkets (and the last announcement until they have been funny).
Shakira (someone paid a speech therapist), Bisbal (someone to pay the ESO), Alejandro Sanz (someone to pay a ticket to Ushuaia) and Rosario Flores (someone to pay a decent retirement) are doing the same with varying degrees of success. I am afraid it's over, will more successfully. If not, what ...

must be really bad must be the music business when the alleged popes national pop-rock stop making songs that will be (at least what it takes to tune 40) greatest hits yesterday, today and always to dispense with the complex world of By.
Any resemblance of this with creativity, good taste, the idea thought or hard work is pure coincidence.
s @ Then we want the Blue Dress De Mil Colores to be the Chosen completely satisfactory and Soul not you run out of style. Ssssssssssss ....
If it already says the song "this getting older unceremoniously ..."
Photos: Alex Prager
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