Today my horoscope advised me to watch what I eat at work better appreciate my sense of humor at home, to resume an activity that I have abandoned and that if I have no partner is the right time because the stars have decided to re-wet ...
Well, look how nice. After a month away from almost everything has to be Madame Solange and sms to time, make me come back with ideas but not very clear is that I have to admit, even I was offended to see the date of my last post.
seems unbelievable the things that have happened in all this time. Last thing I remember was to put some bullshit broth sables and since then the world is not the same as it was. Alber Elbaz (clinker, clinker) is seduced by the Swedish Zara, the most in blogger the world is no longer up facebook and has shaved his hair (head), is gone forever the great Manuel Alexandre, was given the Nobel to Vargas Llosa, the Prince of Asturias my beloved Amin Maalouf and after years Fangoria repeating that they will not release a compilation or go back to playing his old songs because they "are not a band of people," go and amaze us with El Paso's Transcendental Vaudeville to Astracanada. No one better than themselves for review and I must say that they do very well. Invaluable collaboration of the great Fabio (Mcnamara) de Miguel, pop star and artist highly prized in some circles of Madrid and surrounding nonsense.

also left us unexpectedly and saw Nestor Kitchner live tears of the great Cristina, more aware than anyone of writing his own legend.
Felipe Gonzalez (one of the finest men I know) advocates the legalization of drugs (that rule!) And un Rajoy in El Pais in an interview that the only thing that is clear is that no commitment to allow queers that we're married if it reaches the Moncloa (palace, no bottle zone). A great novelty.
Obama is órdago took a stick and people are surprised by the shift to the right of (probably) most fascist country in the world. Rajoy said that the PP and there will be no Tea Party. Sure. What if you want a Tea Party with all the English fascism life has much more glamorous?. The day of general strike called a taxi driver who took me to work trying to convince me that manis were much more fun when he was young. Normal. It was gray!. I guess for him were really fun. Remains to be seen if those who ran before felt the same.
More: Belen Esteban is alive, thank God. The Duke of Feria was married to a girl with a face of someone you know (I still do not know who), Valentino has returned to take the needle to the great Nati, Kalina of Bulgaria has successfully completed gender reassignment and this is the post 500 of the advantages. Acknowledge before an anonymous (or not) you remember me, it's not the best I've written but there is.
When I decided to open my own blog was not aware of anything but saved me a lot. Since then I've had better times and worse, wanting to close and also the feeling that they could not live without it. From the early days when my time was occupied by the blogosphere until now that I have some ideas left by drought, many things have changed but I have to say it was worth, it's worth.

At first, read all blogs I could. I ate all devoured alive (and beasts) and never thought never in the winter, but winter comes but do not want. And a gray morning, the screen was needed. I am no longer interested in everyone. And so I went from having thousands of posts on favorite to take only a few for me were and are essential. From the Sartorialist to Katelovesme through the Alaska and Mario, Nacho Canut, Find yourself a boyfriend or Mobile Photos Guille Mostaza. I can not stand the street style (except for Scott) and there are some that no longer exist and that I miss. Some also do not read because I get bored miserably.
But there are also those who have become more than necessary for me. Are those blogs that make me guilty conscience if you do not read every day. Funny how that is something that does not happen if left over a month to update mine. They (and I mention them specifically), Popy Blasco (for me the best blogger there), Lucio China (wikipedia fashion that someone should launch to stardom), Dipordior (Galician taste), Raquel Gratis Total (long nose and charm), Plutonic (unless I was lavish but writes much better than I will ever) and The Enlightened Man, Man Confused, The Pilgrim and Cool Frenesi.
A all the way thanks for teaching.
Thanks also to all those who bother to comment on the crap I write and my 80 (ya!) regular followers.
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