seems obvious yet it seems unnecessary to repeat it: fashion (if any) is short-lived in itself, is fundamental in nature. Fads come and go and be entertained on the road. But there are people who does not know. There are people so worried about being "fashionable" that consequently the total becomes outmoded. There is more to do Chonis and Bums and vice versa to realize that the metrosexual is dead. Thank God for that. Now it has become a marginal outpost like going to get any of the emerging neighborhood in Street or vote for the PP. Purely marginal.
few years ago (not many) the plucking, lie creams, antiojeras (if with some illuminator much better), be sensible and wear their hair sculpture such as Richard Serra was more than the very, very. Today, it has become something identification of what your social strata, and what is worse, what is your cultural stratum. If you were born in Ventanielles and strive much, much, much can live in Plaza de America. If you were born in Conde de Toreno and you gilipoyas, does not save you nor the charity (which my mother would say). Twist of fate and excess hair gel, I guess.

I've spent my whole life running away from what they call "modernity" but apparently not run fast enough, according to the image you project to others. Today I told a colleague: "Come, I will teach you a jacket that is made for you. It hits everything." I will not waste time explaining the band of the jacket. A cold sweat ran down my back, not the cloth itself, but by the perception that this good girl was me. As it seems, everything I think is reflected in my face automatically (although I think I do something about it), the girl did not understand anything and just fixed added (cuquina face that is also something that sparks me enough): "but if it hits galore: it was to see her and think of you." Manda cojones.
I have to add that is not the first time it happens. In the closet I have some things given away on birthdays with all the good faith of the world and I prefer to pull up the nails of pain rather than wear them. All of them were bought by people who thought (from the bottom of your heart) that "were made for me." Thanks but NO.

This modernity is something slippery and quite dangerous. Or you run short, or not arrive. No one is modern because. Everything takes time and process. Right now the art is not. Use modern in the sense of "fashion" or "follow fashion", never in the sense of "current" or "contemporary." Examples
there to give and take. The latest and bloodiest metrosexuality is female or what DKNL called "Elle Girl." Elle Girls love (but never admit it) to Sara Carbonero and in general, any time presenter five minutes of having anorexia. They do not want trendiest or anything like that. Not interested in trends or what the proposed footbridge. Is little understood. They want to be cute (and if you can be sweeping) at any time and occasion.
They are easily identified by their addiction to skinny jeans, the heels, big bags and the damn colored bracelets with crosses at the end. I guess that will have a specific name but my ignorance prevents me from going further.

From here, given my fondness for all sorts of lists, I refuse to give a brief list of things or attitudes that I consider today's hyper-modern, November 2010 (subject of next month, or even next week are other completely different.) Is it about modernity. Let it. Things
must absolutely modern and up:
to always wear the medal of the First Communion, regardless of which over the years and the practice of unspeakable sins you've become an atheist / a of three pairs of faces. Moorehead
your boyfriend with great profusion of drool as you take them (politely) the ring finger to a man who looks like a lady and that is standing on a sort of phone booth on wheels. Not great López Vázquez in the cabin of Mercer. B16 is in the Popemobile (sometimes I have to explain myself, which says a lot of boiling in my head as I write).
a blog and never appear in him.
a blog and make it little attention.
Go insane at work and mount a fifteen Christ, which is what happened to a buddy of mine on Tuesday morning. We are still recovering from the shock. If you liked me before, now I like even better. MUSO!.
say things the way you think whoever falls (note that this is the most difficult of all).
Dare to say that Fangoria's latest album is good and his concert at the MTV EMA, even better.
you like the bulls say.
Dare to say (and very funny that you do) you all, I repeat TO-DO, making Lady Gaga has been taken before a buck of Detroit.
have absolute faith in social networking. Women
View Rich and worship Mariana Nannis above all things.
Kissing your boyfriend when you come home and feel that is the best time of day.
breakfasts at Casa Moncho. Read
with absolute devotion to Almudena Grandes. His latest novel, Inés and joy, is the best I've read lately. He has once again done it again. Press is once again mercilessly Springs real emotion. He has once again given birth to a genius (" Fernandooooooooooooo ....").
And, in this modernity, I always remember the ladies to the door of the Sun Metro hoarse proclaiming: " Chanel, Chanel, Loesves ... oh, what fashion they are!".
That's it.