Believe it or not, We are living in 2010. When I was little and thought in 2000 I imagined beaming it into college, picnicking colored pills provide all the energy I needed to live, sticking out my skate polish ultra light platinum silver with clothing. Since then, the future is never as expected.
Anyway, here I am, finishing the first decade of the new millennium and nothing that has come true. On the contrary, I have to take a conveyance dirty and clean every day, counting calories and crushing food always in the gym.
As if this were not enough, the surrounding reality persists, with stubbornness child in looking back constantly (I would say that ...). And is that enough to take a look around to realize that much remains for the future ideal of Huxley.

In the 60's, people of vision as Rabanne and Courreges dreamed of a future of plastic, straight lines and metal. Geniuses who have gone into fashion history. Visionaries.
Currently, as most of the collections are very very "revisited" (with some personality in the best cases) the rags that they put our grandmothers. From Prada to Louis Vuitton Amancio through the Empire, things are clear. Mad Men, Grease, soul, Motown and top of a lifetime.
This is not exclusive fashion. In music we have the same scenario. It began with the great Amy made us believe that listening to soul on the iPod was the most of everything modernez and the toupee, the roll pin up crappy neighborhood and was something new bandanas. Very 2000's. Next to it, although at a somewhat more trendy indie but we have much more to The Drum or The Meters. A recent news story announced that John Lurie, The Lounge Lizards leader and true king of cool, go hiding in Europe after leaving the California house of one of the Red Hot Chilly Peppers Where were ambushed fleeing a stalker who does not even let to sun or shade. And nobody has said to be a music star is easy.

The roll revival, retro, is more fashionable than ever. Now everything is retro, or what is worse, vintage. In most cases the same dog with different collar. My friend B told me the other day for the first time in his life he felt old. Why?. Perhaps a few kilos teenager and abundant hair had tried to "you" (damn courtesy rule depending on who and how you say you can make the dust the day)?. Perhaps he felt the first knee pain when rising from his chair in the office? . Or was it perhaps a wrinkle that was not yesterday there?. No. It was much easier than that. He realized that many things are in store for this winter had brought her and remembers her mother or taking them (blatant case of Zara skirts secretary). The sign of the times. The vagaries of fashion.

is true that nothing is as it was. It is true that the new look as such will never be seen on the streets but the aftertaste is seen, and known ... Since Galliano left to invent amazing collections to plagiarize without shame everything he did Monsieur Dior, what can we expect?.
How is it possible that people yearns for a Mini or a Beetle in version 2000 (that is, overdesigned, and without any of the charm that made the originals legendary)?.
is the natural reaction to the times of crisis?. Not long ago, a former economic adviser to Mitterrand's recent governments that Europe is headed to a super deep crisis that will make us root rethink who we are and where we go. Doomsayers aside, it seems clear that the advanced societies (the others pretty much have to survive) we look back at happier times, supposedly, in times of crisis like the present. That may be the success of a golden age in which families were perfect, ladies drink Martini at midnight between the rustle of their Cancano and the clink of her bracelets of diamonds. Men wore hair gel (and kept their hair) and the emergence of household appliances heralded a future of unparalleled comfort and convenience. A happiness by electronics.

And in the background, some reason they have. There is only a glimpse of the fabulous collection and campaign even more fabulous Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton to realize that anyone would want to live there permanently. Natalia Vodianova, Karen Elson and Christy Turlington beautiful and carefree apparent in a ladies room. Their husbands expect fuera tomando Dry Martini mientras suena jazz en un restaurante envuelto en humo de cigarrillos rubios. Todavía no habían llegado las prohibiciones ni existía eso tan inquientante que se llama Autoridades Sanitarias (el Santo Oficio del siglo XXI para los fumadores). Una delicia.
Mientras tanto, en una galaxia no muy lejana, los chicos y las chicas del Euskadi Ta Fashion nos proponen una vuelta al verdadero vintage: el reino de Navarra y el polar, esta vez con una propuesta de pañuelo de raso para la cara de lo más in que hace que destaque mucho más la chapela. Eso sí que es vintage y lo demás cuento.
Lo dicho. Los mismos perros con distinto collar.
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