had no intention to chronicle the 52 th edition of Pasarela Cibeles (this his real name, and will always Rociito Rociito), since it is already struck by bloggers rather than addicts, former addicts and outsiders. But as the end of the day, this is my blog (and I fuck when I want) because there he goes.
This time I will not say anything about the (few) shows I liked, just nothing about the (many) they put me on the edge of the arch and I do want to review something about the attitude that, in my humble opinion, should prevail in this fashionable home appointment.
The data are devastating. According to the great Lucas Arraut (El País, 19/9/1910), this edition has lasted six days were expected an attendance of 60,000 people (official parades and showroom of the Ego), 50 parades, 1300 accredited journalists which just over 100 were foreign journalists (mainly Latin American capitals) and 3 million budget of which:
Ifema contributes 55% of the investment. Sponsors
number, 25%.
Madrid, 15%.
Designers, 5%.
These are the official figures of Cybele. All this, plus a maze of three pairs of nostrils that moves hundreds of people "related work" so that after the English fashion pundits want us to find cheese. How is it possible that the roll of the train that is a trend that struck down (no more than take a look at the street) we want it cast into (at least) three more shows like more???. See they not online?. You do not read fashion magazines?. They do not know that is something that already proposed Miu Miu last season?. Or IF you know?. I no longer understand anything. Long ago that I do not understand anything. Why
people who are supposed to know of his office perpetrated collections that make you want to mourn?. Victorio and Luchino should march in The Ego?. Where were those wonderful collections in which they merely do what they do best?. Sometimes progress is not necessarily good especially if you do not know where to go. Why
Angel Schelesser Hanibal Laguna and again and again present the same collection?. Cibeles
should drastically reduce their number of participants? What paint
Juana Martín, Carlos Díez, Javier Larraínzar or Modesto Lomba in this mess?
Given that the best collections are those of the people presenting bathroom, Cibeles should be reduced to that? Public
Why not start clapping endlessly with each output of the great Elio Benhayer?
do some collections are praised and others are not?
When will they change the model casting?
These are just some of the questions that occur to me all of a sudden but sure would be many more.
from this humble forum propose a radical change of attitude in the audience attending the parades. Do not include celebrity guests (who wear clothes in the front row of that tap and then pull Galliano in the finery without any restraint or modesty), or modern art hours or purchased bloggers.
I'm talking about people who truly is interested in fashion as cultural expression. That rare species will see Cibeles fashion.
Just as in the Real booed a tenor or applauded for fifteen minutes at a soprano ... why there is a similar attitude to fashion?.
I am afraid that until people will not rise to the nonsensical mess you are seeing on the catwalk, this is not going to change. Fashion as a culture but also as an industry will never be taken seriously until we do not like. Is urgently needed a change of attitude in press (embarrassing the retransmissions of the television only gives minimal coverage), sponsors (Not everything is to sell more vodka), organizers (someone will stop Cuca Solana feet) and above all, public. It is the only way. I doubt that Ferran Adria had become the best chef in the world without (of course) his talent and no critical attitude.
Someone has to say NO to stop this from being the cool place where people are going to backfire a couple of weeks per year.
For the sake of fashion and that if they do fashion.