At first it was the worship of distance, not knowing what would happen, how was going to surprise us, what would your next trick for we fell exhausted at his feet and waited six long months until His Majesty the absolute Owner of all our pleasures, he deigned to visit us and leave us in grace and mouth open during another six months.
No one argued, no one dared challenge it, no one questioned it, lost and abducted expected his word to give us strength, to tell us what to wear, what to think, feel, whom he idolized in the coming days until he decided what his Royal Folly otherwise. And we, his followers, happy to receive a glimmer of his imperious presence.
But nothing is eternal, nothing is immutable and a day like any other (major tragedies and events that change your life forever always happen any day) someone thought, spoke and dared to rebel. Like those others who nailed a pig's head on a stick and decided to worship, instituting a reign of terror and absolutism seamlessly into an idyllic society. The kids are not. Children no longer want to continue playing on the beach forever. Now they want to worship a pig's head nailed to a stick until they get tired, to seek new heads or until the Creator who gives life ends with them.

His Royal Majesty ceased to be visible every six months and began to be closer as far as possible. Accustomed to being the ultimate parasite, strained a little rope that held together the faithful and without whom was nothing (though they do not know or just chanced to see it coming). And
attracted to Her. The Grand Mantis sowed yellow brick road delicious little candies, just love that did not quite fill the cravings of the beach boys but the distraction of the pig's head on the stick. But did not some of them continue to think and not let distracted by bright yellow tiles and shining or the delicious candy that filled the path of perdition. Children, you know, are naturally fickle and is quite hard to keep your attention ...
And then decided to divide, separate, to sow discord among them. And he saw that it was good. Blacklists and whitelists. People people in and out. People who crosses the red cord of happiness and people who are left out. People who stop commenting on other people. People no longer want anything that does not come from His hands. And the world turned back to spin, the order was again established. It should be. As it should never cease to be.

I am not worthy to receive you in my house but a word from you will suffice to save ...
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